Save Time and Money
with Direct Deposit.
Have your paycheck, pension, Social Security, or other recurring payment sent directly to GENCO FCU. We can distribute it to the account of your choice for savings, checking, loan payment or to related accounts.
Why choose Direct Deposit?
- Safe: No need to worry about mail delays or having a check lost or stolen.
- Prompt: Payroll deposits are credited on payday.
- Fast: No special trips to pick up and deposit checks and no need to stand in line.
- Easy: Payments are automatically deposited to your account, even if you are traveling, on vacation, or ill. You can distribute the amount to the account of your choice for savings, checking, loan payments or other related accounts.
- Save: No more check cashing fees on your paycheck.
To set up a direct deposit, first speak with your employer then contact a GENCO service representative.
GENCO FCU has the ability to accept direct deposits from the Social Security Administration, employee payroll, military services and other retirement programs. Contact us about setting up direct deposit for your payroll check.