Looking for a good return on your money in case of an emergency?
If you have $2,500 or more to invest but need quick, easy access to your funds, this is the account for you!
With GENCO Federal Credit Union Money Market Accounts, the more money you save, the higher the dividends you earn. Ideal for emergency account and short-term savings, our Money Market Savings Account pays a higher than average dividend – and your money is available to you at any time. Checks may be ordered specifically for this account to allow easy access.
More liquidity and flexibility than term share certificates (CDs), Money Market Accounts can give you financial peace. High yields, easy access and security are just a few of the advantages to a GENCO Federal Credit Union Money Market Account. Other features include:
- Monthly compounded dividends
- Minimum withdrawals of $500 or more
- Up to three withdrawals per month
- Liquid savings with no fixed terms
- No penalties for early withdrawals
- Easy access through PAT (Personal Audio Teller)
Dividends are calculated on average daily balances of $100 or more and are paid monthly. If the balance falls below the required minimum at any time during the month the dividend is reduced and will equal checking account dividend amounts for that month.