Providing you with complete control over the usage of your debit card.
My Card, previously known as CardSecure, is found by clicking "Cards" on the mobile app or "Manage Cards" on your non mobile devices.
My Card is a revolutionary service for managing your purchases with a smartphone. Our easy-to-use interface gives you the power to limit transactions by geography, set spending amounts, define which merchants can process transactions, set alerts/controls and so much more. If you ever lose a card, you can quickly turn it off or back on when it's found or order a new one.
Protect your purchases and control when, where and how your debit card is used— enroll in My Card today in On Line Banking.
The Freedom and Confidence to Manage Your Card
To use My Card you must first be a user of our online/home banking. If you aren't yet, it's super easy to enroll.
- Just click here and follow the easy steps to sign up. Already an online banking user? Go You! Our My Card service is part of our Online Banking and in our Mobile App.
- One sign on gets you all the mobile services you want in one place. Don't have the mobile app yet? Download our app here.
- When you open GENCO's Mobile Banking App click on "My Card".
- Register your debit card and set your controls. Congratulations! You're all ready to go!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add my debit card to My Card?
To add your GENCO FCU card(s) to My Card, open your GENCO mobile banking app and click on "My Card". The app will then ask you to enter your card number to begin the registration process. Your My Card login is the same as your GENCO Online Banking/mobile app login. Please note: When adding a business card, make sure you use the business street address and zip code, and the last four digits of the business Tax ID Number (not your Social Security Number).
Can I add more than one card?
After adding your first card and registering for your account, you can add additional cards from your My Card home screen. Swipe the image of your card to the left and you’ll see a new default card image with a plus sign and the words Add Card. Tap the plus sign to add another card.
*NOTE: If you share an account with someone else, and want each card to have their own alerts, please make sure you both register your card separately with your own login ID and password on My Card. To do this you must also have your own separate login for Mobile banking. Thus creating two separate secure log-in’s for each phone number attached to each card.
Is My Card a secure service?
The My Card feature is a secure product for the following reasons:
- The mobile application does not store any protected cardholder data (such as debit or credit card numbers, PIN, CVV/CVV2, etc.).
- It only displays a payment card using common publicly used references such as the last 4 digits of the card number and the cardholder name.
- The user provides login credentials and passes them to the authentication server without storing any passwords internally.
How do I turn my card off?
On your My Card home screen, there is a Card On/Off switch right below the image of your card. It will be green and switched to the right when your card in on. To turn it off, swipe the switch to the left.
What happens if I lose my phone or it gets stolen?
Call us immediately at 254-776-9550. GENCO can disable your login for the application.
What happens if I purchase a new phone?
You can install our Mobile Banking app on multiple phones. In general, you should manually delete the app from your old phone and then download the Mobility App from iTunes or the Google Play store onto your new phone.
How do I set up controls for my card purchases?
To set up controls for card purchases, swipe to the desired card image on your My Card home screen and tap Control Preferences. Then, you will see the option to set up controls based on location, merchant type, transaction type or spend limit. Tap on a control category to set up purchase restrictions as desired.
How do I set up real time alerts?
To set up Alerts for card purchases, swipe to the desired card image on your My Card home screen and tap Alert Preferences. The Send Alerts for drop-down will be defaulted to All Transactions, or you can select Selected Transactions to set up specific Alerts based on location, merchant type, transaction type or spend limit. Tap on an Alerts category to set up Alerts as desired.
Why did my transaction get denied?
There are many reasons why a transaction may be denied. You may not have sufficient funds, the transaction may be suspected fraud, you may have set control preferences that cause denial, etc. If you look at the transaction details in My Card, the reason for denial is often available and described as part of the transaction summary. If you tap the transaction details, if any of your preferences caused the denial, they will be listed.
The card is on, but is showing inactive, what does that mean?
The card on/off capability allows you to control when your card is on. Also, GENCO may set the card state to inactive, if we have detected fraudulent activity on your card. If the card is inactive, it cannot be used regardless of your setting. Please call us at 254-776-9550 so that we may assist you.
I set up alerts but I’m not receiving them.
To receive any My Card Alerts, you need to have notifications for the app turned on. Go to the settings on your phone, find My Card and ensure notifications are turned on.
How do I view my transactions?
To review transactions, swipe to the desired card image on your My Card home screen and tap Recent Transactions. You will then see the list of all your recent card transactions. Tap on a specific transaction to view more details. Transactions will show from the time your card(s) are added to the app.
When I set my location control, how far can I be from the merchant for transactions to still go through?
Normally, if the merchant location is within a 5 mile radius of the user’s location, the transaction will be approved if My Location control is set.
Normally, if the merchant location is within a 5 mile radius of the user’s location, the transaction will be approved if My Location control is set.
Not all of my account transactions are appearing in My Card.
Only purchases made with your card/card number will appear in My Card. For example, if you write a check or have an automatic online payment set up through your account (not card) number, these transactions will NOT show in My Card.
I received a new card because my old card expired. Do I need to do anything?
No, you do not need to do anything if you received a new card because your old card expired. Since your card number is the same, it will remain in My Card and the app will automatically update your card expiration date. To unmanage the old card through the My Card go to Manage Portfolio and uncheck the old card and tap OK”.
I received a new card with a new card number because my old card was lost or stolen. Do I need to do anything?
Yes, you do need to add your new card with the new card number. Note: To remove the old card from your home screen, go to Manage Portfolio from the drop-down navigation and uncheck the old card.
How long will a transaction history display?
Transactions show up for thirty calendar days. Histories contain the last fifty transactions.
If I need extra assistance, who do I call?
For assistance with My Card, please call 254-776-9550, Monday – Thursday from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, and Saturday from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.